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Is There a Natural Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction

Is There a Natural Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction​? A Detailed Guide

Impotence is a condition that many men suffer from regardless of age. Multiple factors are accountable for this disease that affect a person’s personal and sexual life. Undoubtedly, it is a medical emergency and demands professional advice. However, there are several natural methods of treating ED. In this article, we will discuss the understanding, causes, and organic treatment methods. You will also learn about foods that you need to avoid to get rid of ED.

Is There a Natural Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction
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What is Erectile Dysfunction?

ED is defined as the inability to achieve and maintain a decent erection during sexual intercourse. In around 25% of cases, the penis, or genital portion of males, does not firm up or soften rapidly. People suffering from this disorder may also have decreased sex drive. Moreover, this condition is also responsible for a lack of confidence and relationship issues. 

What is Erectile Dysfunction
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When multiple parts of the body work together, they result in erection in males, including hormones, blood vessels, muscles, and the nervous system.  If any part is not working properly, it can lead to erectile dysfunction. This disease can occur in any generation, young, middle, or old age. Various symptoms indicate that a man is facing ED, such as low sexual desire and difficulty keeping an erection during intimacy.  

However, sometimes erectile dysfunction also shows some other underlying health problems, such as diabetes, lower levels of testosterone, or sleep disorders.

Erectile Dysfunction
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Reasons for Erectile Dysfunction: Why Does It Happen?

It is a deception that only one or two aspects cause ED, but it’s not true. There are multiple reasons behind this relationship-killer condition. Up till now, it is clear that low blood circulation to the penis is responsible for this disease. However, the actual reason is important for proper treatment. Here are some of the main factors:

Poor Lifestyle

Improper dietary habits, such as processed foods, bakery items, and unhealthy fats, can lead to disorders like impotence. Smoking is one of the main grounds that impairs vessels and ultimately reduces the flow of blood. Alcohol is also accountable for ED as it causes hormonal imbalance. Addiction to substances such as marijuana or cocaine may increase a man’s chance of developing erectile dysfunction.

Psychological Disturbance

Emotional health is very important in achieving the desired erection for healthy relationships. Conflicts and communication issues can cause stress, which might be the primary cause of a lack of sexual desire. Fear of not being able to perform sexually might lead to a self-fulfilling speech.

Other Physical Disorders

There are several health conditions which are responsible for erectile dysfunction. These include the age, diabetes, and heart disease. In these conditions, the blood vessels and erection-controlling muscles do not perform well and may lead to damage to the vessels. Similarly, in heart stroke, the high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis are the main reasons that reduce the blood toward the penis. 

Apart from these, prostatectomy and other surgical procedures can also harm blood vessels. Sleep disorders, obesity, and Peyronie’s Disease are also accountable for ED.

How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction Naturally?

If you have symptoms and want organic therapies before seeking medical help. Below are the practical and home-based cure methods that you can use. However, you must understand that it might be a serious condition that requires complete medical attention. Therefore, don’t overlook it; take it seriously.

Treat Erectile Dysfunction Naturally
Is There a Natural Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction​? A Detailed Guide 19

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba has been found to act as a nerve tonic and improve blood flow to the male part, the penis. It is thought to strengthen and open blood vessels, improve blood circulation, reduce oxidative stress, and increase nitric oxide (NO). This fundamental molecule widens the blood vessels and retains penis erections. 

Despite the herb’s popularity, the NCCIH presented that it also offers certain side effects, including headaches, dizziness, palpitation, and gastrointestinal issues.

Panax Ginseng

It is the root of the plant that belongs to the genus Panax. It resembles the shape of the human body, except it does not have arms and legs but contains shoots. The Chinese have used Ginseng in medicine and cuisine for many centuries. It has a complex action in the case of ED treatment. 

This root releases nitric oxide that behaves as a vasodilator. It causes the smooth muscles to relax and increase the blood flow toward the penis. This required gush is necessary for erection in males. Other than this, the Panax regulates the testosterone hormone and influences dopamine or serotonin. These play a role in handling sexual function.


It is a naturally occurring amino acid that is very effective in the circulatory health of the dick (male organ). The human body transforms it into arginine, which is then used to make nitric oxide, a vital chemical required for relaxation and a healthy erection. 

Evidence suggests that peptides help restore penises in people with mild dysfunction. There are various doubts concerning L-citrulline’s efficacy.

Some studies claim it is not as effective as other therapies. However, citrulline has one significant advantage: it is highly safe. Unlike other drugs, it has no significant side effects. This makes it a great option for individuals looking for simple and organic therapy.


Human beings naturally contain the amino acid propionyl-L-carnitine. It is believed to help erectile dysfunction by causing blood vessels to relax. Research has indicated that PLC can enhance erectile function more successfully than either medication alone when combined with another treatment, such as sildenafil (Viagra). 

Before scientists can ascertain the treatment’s actual safety and effectiveness, more investigation is necessary. Patients with vascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or liver cirrhosis, among other things, may be at risk from this chemical.

Epimedium Grandiflorum

Horny Goat Weed is well known for its ability to enhance blood flow to the penis, consequently promoting sexual function. It is believed to improve circulation by softening blood vessels and encouraging the generation of nitric oxide, much like PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra. Even though its mechanism seems promising, more clinical studies are needed to completely comprehend its advantages and validate its efficacy.

Main Component of African Tree’s Bark: Yohimbine

This evergreen tree has a substance called yohimbine in its bark. In medicine, this component has long been used as a natural treatment for erectile dysfunction. This natural tree component is used by pharmaceutical companies to generate extracts, pills, and capsules.

African Tree’s Bark Yohimbine to Treat Erectile Dysfunction
Is There a Natural Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction​? A Detailed Guide 20

In blood vessels, muscle contraction is controlled by an alpha-2 adrenergic receptor. Yohimbine is a drug that increases penile blood flow by blocking the receptor. Additionally, it releases the neurotransmitters required for sex.

As per NCCIH, aphrodisiac tea was initially made from yohimbine bark. But, it can have several adverse effects, such as anxiety, diarrhoea, and an irregularly fast heartbeat; you should use it very carefully. 

Maca Root

Some studies suggest that maca can improve sexual performance and increase sperm count and motility. After twelve weeks of treatment, maca improved the men’s psychological, physical, and social happiness in a magnificent trinity of sexual well-being.

Quit Alcohol Consumption and Smoking

Smoking is one of the factors that might cause erectile dysfunction. Chain smokers are 40% more likely to have decreased sex drives. Sexual performance and sex hormones are also affected by excessive alcohol consumption. Additionally, research indicates that men who already suffer from ED may benefit from quitting smoking by seeing a decrease in their symptoms.

Improve Your Lifestyle

Like many other diseases, your daily routine also has a direct link to ED. Therefore, in your daily life, you need to adhere to a few simple and straightforward steps. Furthermore, these suggestions can help you overcome erectile dysfunction if you currently have it.  

You must get regular exercise and many other benefits; it also improves blood flow and dynamism. If you find it difficult, you can start with a regular walk. Several studies have been conducted at Harvard that revealed that only 30 minutes of walking per day can reduce the risks of ED. 

Healthy meals can reduce the risk factors associated with ED, like heart attack, obesity, and clogged arteries. Try to avoid unnecessary thoughts that may be the reason for stress. Engage with healthy and meaningful activities; otherwise, anxiety and stress have a direct influence on sexual desires. 

Similarly, always pay attention to your vascular health. You should be aware that excessive blood pressure, high sugar, and high cholesterol can hinder or damage arteries. Consequently, they could result in severe, perhaps fatal conditions like heart attacks and strokes. Regularly check your BP and consult your doctor for professional advice to avoid these dangerous conditions. 

Worst Food for Erectile Dysfunction: Avoid at any Cost

Let’s reveal what you have to avoid at any cost to reduce sexual dysfunction and improve erectile dysfunction.

Worst Food that cause Erectile Dysfunction
Is There a Natural Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction​? A Detailed Guide 21

Fried Foods

You must be wondering how these usual foods can disturb your sexual performance, right? They are not directly linked but can cause weight gain, cholesterol problems, and heart disease, which can lead to sexual dysfunction.

High Sodium Food: 

Erectile dysfunction and poor sex life are directly linked to high blood pressure, which is caused by consuming too many salty foods, according to some research. Pasta, pizza, meat, seafood, burgers, tacos, rice, and bread have more than 70% sodium.

Sugary Drinks: 

They are known to cause diabetes and obesity, two conditions that are connected to erectile dysfunction. Do we all accept them? They can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by raising blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 


ED is a complicated and sensitive issue that affects a person’s physical and emotional well-being. Depending upon the fundamental casualties, there are many possible treatment methods. This article has covered different natural and herbal remedies to cure this ED. You can use these therapies at home; however, don’t ignore the condition for a long time if not treated with these ingredients. You should visit your doctor to get experienced guidance for your erectile health. You can also visit our website,, for beneficial and proven home solutions.


What is Erectile Dysfunction in Hindi?

स्तंभन दोष (इरेक्टाइल डिस्फंक्शन) संभोग के दौरान पर्याप्त स्तंभन प्राप्त करने और उसे बनाए रखने में असमर्थता है।

What are the top 5 Homoeopathic Medicines for Erectile Dysfunction?

There are several holistic cure approaches. The best-recommended drugs are Caladium, Club Moss, Agnus Castus, Turnera, and Selenium.

What is Ayurvedic treatment for ED?

Asphaltum, Safed Musli, Tribulus terrestris, Ashwagandha, and Velvet Bean are natural therapy agents.

Does Metformin Cause ed?

It is the first line of medicine for the treatment of diabetes and is linked to the reason for ED. However, no study has proven this.

Totkay is basically a word in Hindi and Urdu, which means natural home ready. In our culture Hakims (‘wise man, physician’) used to mix herbs together to create natural medicine to cure thier patients.

Many of this wisdom still exists, and I strive to collect it and share it here on this blog.