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Totkay for Hair Fall

Totkay for Hair Fall, Natural Desi Remedies for Growing Your Hair

Natural Desi Totkay for Hair Fall

Here you will find the best Totkay for Hair Fall and reversing hair loss. These Totkay and Desi tips do require commitment and consistently to work.

Hot Oil Massage Treatment (2 times Weekly)

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Does hot oil massage help in hair growth?

The answer is of course! Doing a Hot Oil Massage is a great Totka for hair growth that will improve your scalp’s health naturally and stimulate your hair follicles for hair growth.

How to do a hot oil massage on your hair?

  • Place 1 cup of water in a saucepan and heat it until it is boiling.
  • Pick a natural and pure cold-pressed oil (Either Coconut or Olive oil)
  • Take 1 tablespoon of the oil of your choice and mix it in the saucepan.
  • Wait for the oil to cool.
  • Then dip your fingertips in the oil and slowly massage your scalp for about 5-10 minutes.
  • Afterward, wrap a towel on your head (you can also use a showercap).
  • Wait for about 20 minutes before washing the oil off.
  • Use a natural shampoo to wash your hair with cold water and reap the maximum benefits.

Doing this 2 times a week will increase blood flow to the hair follicles and enhance the strength of your hair roots. However, it may take a few months to notice the results, but be patient, and soon you will notice new hair growth.

Natural Hair Mask For Hair Growth (Daily)

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Best hair mask for hair growth

Natural hair masks, which are chemical free are wonderful Totkay to stop hair fall. Moreover, you can make hair masks at home with minimal effort (or buy ready-made ones online.) For homemade masks, you can make them from olive oil, coconut oil, as well as, raw honey.

Desi Hair Mask Recipe with Olive oil and Honey

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil and raw honey.
  • Add organic cinnamon powder.
  • Then blend it into a smooth paste
  • Then apply onto your hair.
  • Leave on for at least 10-20 minutes
  • Use a natural shampoo to wash your hair with cold water to reap the maximum benefits.

Desi Hair Mask Recipe with Avacado

  • Take a pair of fresh avocados and open them up and peel them.
  • Taking out the seeds and mash the avocado in a container to a paste.
  • Mix in a few teaspoons of coconut oil.
  • Apply the mixture to your hair.
  • Leave on for at least 10-20 minutes
  • Use a natural shampoo to wash your hair with cold water to reap the maximum benefits.

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Coconut oil, Raw Honey and Avocados are all super foods which are rich in nutrients that nourish the scalp and take care of split ends naturally. You can place these hair masks right before you shower and witness your hair growth in a few months.

Use Chemical Free Shampoo For Hair Growth (Daily)

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Benefits of Chemical Free Shampoo

“Among the ingredients that go into the making of a shampoo are detergents” – Indian Journal of Dermatology

Also, “the global hair care market value amounted to about 85.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2017 and is expected to grow to 102 billion dollars by 2024.” There is a lot of money being spent on marketing of products that are full of chemicals and may be damaging our hair.

Castile soap shampoo recipe

A homemade shampoo that is free of chemicals is what your scalp needs for nourishment. Below is a wonderful recipe/Totka that you can make at home.

  • 1/4 cup water / or Coconut Milk
  • 1/4 cup castile soap
  • 1/2 teaspoon jojoba oil (optional)
  • 10 small drops of any pure oil of your choice. (We recommend Jasmin Oil)
  • Mix the above ingredients thoroughly and shampoo your hair with it every other day.

Hair Brush for Hair Growth (Daily)

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Does brushing your hair stimulate hair growth? One of the best kept Tokay for Hair Fall!

Brushing your hair has immense benefits for your scalp. If done properly your weak hairs will break away and new stronger and thicker hair will come in a few months of daily brushing.

  • Buy a good brush with thick bristles like this high quality boar brush.
  • You want to begin brushing from the top of your hair, place the center bristles of the brush in the center of your forehead and brush about 10-20 times.
  • You will notice dandruff comes out that is normal.
  • After brushing the top of your head, you want to move towards the back. 
  • Use a mirror to see the back of your head and place the bristles from on bottom right side of your crown.
  • Brush downward at an angle towards the middle using even pressure, and brush about 10-20 times.
  • Brush the rest of your head where your hair is thinning with even pressure 10-20 times.
  • It is also advisable to add a small amount of olive or coconut oil to your hair while doing this if you notice a lot of dandruff.

Brushing with the method above daily will foster results and help you regrow your hair. After you brush, it’s a great time to apply a hair mask to soothe your scalp.


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Thank you so much for reading our hair fall Tokay, please be sure to comment and let us know which Totkay you liked best.

Totkay is basically a word in Hindi and Urdu, which means natural home ready. In our culture Hakims (‘wise man, physician’) used to mix herbs together to create natural medicine to cure thier patients.

Many of this wisdom still exists, and I strive to collect it and share it here on this blog.